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The ebooks below are for you to download FREE! No strings attached. They will provide you with knowledge to help change your body or serve as reminders for what you already know. Along with the free work outs and videos on this web site you can make terrific gains and move forward in a positive direction. If you love what we have given you and would like to get our help and expertise first hand, you can email us direct or go to “Our Products”, “Coaching – Online” or ”Coaching – One on One” to find a training plan that suits your budget and needs.

How to Boost your Metabolism

Roger & Tracy created this book for everyday people  who simply want to know how to speed up
metabolism and how to lose weight the right, healthy, and responsible way. In this book you will learn:

• What the heck metabolism is and what role it really
plays on weight loss and gain
• The proven, scientific ways to speed up metabolism –
not myths and fitness club “speculation”; but the real
• Specific diet and food items that promote a faster
metabolism, so that once unwanted weight has been
lost, it can be kept off through a responsible eating plan.

100 Weight Loss Tips

Roger & Tracy have compiled 100 weight loss tips that you can easily start implementing from today. You don’t have to put all 100 tips into action straight away. Try one or two each week and you will be on your way to dropping kilos. Each tip has a short explanation as to why this would be beneficial for weight loss. Here are some examples of the tips in this booklet:

  • Use the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Chew your food thoroughly
  • Build the strength of your core
  • Never starve yourself to lose weight
  • Build more muscle to lose more fat…plus lots more!

The 7 week Slim Down

Roger & Tracy want you to accept Responsibility for Where You Are. If you want to really transform your life, now, break the chains of casting blame. Once you accept responsibility for where you are it becomes quite obvious you and you alone have the power to enact true lasting change in your life.

We’ll let you in on another secret. The worst parts of our minds are best at making excuses, putting things off and procrastination. We’re speaking from experience.
The only way to tame this beast of mediocrity, is to answer the question of “if not now, when” with clean, clear, committed action.