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Work Out Charts

Below you are provided with everything you need to exercise at home.  All of this is FREE! There are body weight programs for fitness and your core. If you have an exercise tube and some weight plates you have even more variety with your programming. Start with the Dynamic Stretches for your  warm up and finish with the Passive Stretches for your cool down.  As a ‘Bonus’ we have included our Spiky Ball booklets for both the upper and lower body. Download the workouts. Print them up. Then you will be ready to start exercising straight away. If you love what we have given you and would like to get our help and expertise first hand, you can email us direct or go to “Our Products” or ”Coaching – One on One” to find a training plan that suits your budget and needs.


Dynamic Stretches

Dynamic Stretches

Use these movements to warm up your body before exercising. They are active movements that will put your muscles and joints through a full range of motion.

Passive Stretches

Passive Stretches

Use these movements to cool down your body after exercise. Passive stretching can improve flexibility, range of motion, and mobility. It helps improve your performance while lowering your risk of injury.

Powertube Workout

Powertube Workout

Powertubes, also known as resistance bands, provide a cost effective and a great whole body workout. Try the three training options on offer and let us know the results you get!

Plate Workout

Plate Workout

This program uses weight plates but can just as easily work with kettlebells. If you can't afford equipment use two bricks or two plastic water containers that have handles. Be innovative and you can still train with resistance without going to the gym.

Bodyweight Cardio Blitz

Bodyweight Cardio Blitz

Be prepared to sweat and burn calories. Work at your own pace and level. Improve your intensity and effort over time and you will achieve improved heart & lung conditioning plus extra energy for each day.

Strong to the Core

Strong to the Core

These exercises will activate and stimulate all the major muscles of your core. Some may be easier to begin with than others but combining all of them into one session will provide you the best results.

Spiky Ball Upper Body

Spiky Ball Upper Body

The movements shown in this booklet target the upper body using a spiky ball but will have the same benefit when using a foam roller. Great for self massage, myofascial release and targeting adhesions that build up within the body.

Spiky Ball Lower Body

Spiky Ball Lower Body

The movements shown in this booklet target the lower body using a spiky ball but will have the same benefit when using a foam roller. Great for self massage, myofascial release and targeting adhesions that build up within the body.